Pelvic pain can have many causes. But there's no need to suffere in silence. A healthcare provider can help.
What kids see on TV, computers, and smartphones has an impact on them. And too much screen time takes away from reading, learning, and playing. Here are some tips for setting ...
Genetic testing can find mutations in genes that put you at higher risk for cancer. But there are complicated issues to consider before deciding whether genetic testing is ri...
Millions of Americans suffer from back pain every year. The reasons for the pain are many, including bad posture, accidents, improper lifting, obesity, and weak muscles. Practice prevention to...
Are you all too familiar with the coughing and wheezing that remind you that you have asthma? Asthma can be a serious problem, but it doesn’t have to stop you in your tracks. With the help of your...
You want the best for your child, from good nutrition to effective discipline to a breadth of life opportunities.
Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs. It is the most common long-term disease of children. Test your knowledge of living with asthma with this quiz.
BMI, or body mass index, uses weight and height to calculate weight status for adults. BMI for children and teens also takes into account gender and age because healthy body fatness differs between...
Too much stress can affect both your emotional and physical health. This assessment will help you identify your life "stressors."
Certain foods can make your blood pressure go too high. Watch and learn how easy it is to have delicious meals without harming your health.